Working. Money. Time - less precious

Thursday, December 22, 2016

today is gonna be a short one just to summarize my whole 2016.
indeed 2016 as just thrilled as 2015.
I have went through different stages of life yet I'll be standing strong and pretend I wasn't a domestic abuse victim  :')

life is hard. well nothing easy
early of 2016
it was my senior year
I precisely emphasize that I want to spend more time with my friends and forget all bad stuff.
we stay up at library from the moment it opens until we were chased out because they are closing - just to finish our thesis + watching drama.
multitask kot 😂

and then I went through internship in a small company who dream big.
well it opens my eyes..of how is it to work as in an organization.
if I were to study again..maybe I would be just excellent 😂😂.

the gossips..the daughter of the boss..the onr who want to control everything..the bajet bagus one.

silly organization
how could you ask someone to resign just because the others wont get their increment if you don't give up your position.
silliest thing I ever heard

and then..I went through depression moment of jobless fresh graduates

I went to interview high and low

To the point i cried because I emptied my bank account because I went to alot of interview and it is really money consuming.

I cried so much because I am jobless.. I couldn't get a nice job like my friends

i keep on calling myself stupid 😞
my motivation crashes at the bottom
I don't understand what self confidence means?

so I applied to a position where I don't willing to want start my career with.

however..I have no choice

I become a customer service executives

on the inducyion day which so called important day if you agree to work in the company..i couldn't come
I have high fever of 40°
I dont have money to take mc

my mom worry because I barely could walk properly as I have deep migrain and i feel like the solid floor waving around.

but the next fever went down so i straighly went for training

but in the third day of training..i was told I ws not suppose in the building..i need to go home.


i went back to johor

month later..they called me again to come for the job

alright then..rather than jobless..I'll work with you.

so here I am still working and be best as I could serving customers of shopping portal.

well..eventually, I miss all good free time I used to had

learning how to manage my money
and spend like a youtube star.

went back and forth to sephora yet still manage to eat a good meal.

working could be love and hate

there are times you adore your are confident that you can cope with your job.

but there are time you feel like you gonna submit that resign letter and just forget every single things happen it is non of my problem now..

i wish i could

happy new years guys
may a lot of wonderful things happen tp you.
be well for your own goods
be good for others wellness

laffchu ❤🍑

Convocation Day with Love

Saturday, November 26, 2016

I am always a rebel daughter, a bad daughter never good in anything daughter.
eventho..I am the only daughter.
when I was 8, I got to take my first award as an excellent student. but I never go there..because my dad insist to balik kampung. naturally..I became dismotivated
all I thought is..even if I do well in my studies, Anis will always be a bad Anis. they would never see me climb on the stage, take my pictures of smiling proudly while holding a token of effort.
most probably..they would only drop me off at school.
when I was 18, I also got to take an award as for my excellency in history, english and science subject in SPM. Well this time, I get to go and climb on the stage.I thought, this is the time I could make my parents proud. but my parents weren't there to see take my pictures. I cry by myself in the room and pretend nothing happens infront of them.
there is nothing good about me infront of them. I have my own will, i have my own drive.
I make decisions for myself yet still tied down by them
My parents finally there to see me take a scroll for what I fight for years.
I don't blame them for not coming to that important days of my life.
It just that it makes me cry whenever I thought about it..others parent would stand up proudly to take their children pictures. while me, smiling for nothing. :')
ever since then..I promise to myself to appreciate every little gestures of kindness.

this graduation day would be a day I treasure so much. so glad my parents finally there to see me took a token of reward.
indeed, there are saying.

good things come to those who wait

when we are patient, not giving a full hope. we would get what we wished. may everything become easier for most of u who are in their hardest moment.

never put a high hope..never be too proud of what you have.
always remember where you came from and cherish every little moment with your loves one.

till then people
love chuols to much 😘

Beauty Drugs ❤

Monday, September 12, 2016

Hellow Mellow darling

Have you ever took any supplement for yourself?
well I took pills for my own looks
beauty I guess

People been asking "eh anis makan apa, kenapa anis makin putih?"
"anis pakai apa, dah cerah pemandangan"
maknanya aku gelap pariyappa la dulu

itu semua jasa Vitamin C

first I took Vitamin C for 'fun'
for a body supplement
kot kot kurang vitamin ke

(*haa nampak gempak dia)

muka tangan badan kaki semua makin cerah
jerawat kurang naik
bekas chicken pox makin pudar
parut kudis zaman kanak2 dah hilang dari pandangan

i was like whoa
this is amazing

since then, setiap pagi tak tinggal makan vitamin C

bila stop makan vitamin C
muka hilang seri babe
badan kena gigit nymuk kampung sikit dah berbekas hitam

I keep on continue having this vitamin C for the sake of my skin condition.


we all know this local supplement brand
and I personally ate this at night before sleep

it also helps on my skin complexion
jerawat tumbuh, tapi tak beso gadang
jeragat makin pudar
muka kurang berminyak
okay la okay la

tapi i dont eat this two simultaneously.
for example: isnin I makan vitamin C waktu pagi
selasa pagi tak makan vitamin C tapi malam makan dianz
rabu, sama macam isnin
khamis , sama mcam selasa

sebab both ada vitamin c
and I don't want to have too much vitamin C
takut ada side effect pulak aih

so that is my supplement
what's yours?

teringin nak try perla king and jus goyang rapat che ta ( pehal kau ni anis😂 )

korang pulak makan supplement apa and berkesan tak??
kita pun cam nak try gak😘

Morning Feed

Monday, August 29, 2016

Hello Assalamualaikum

today is all about breakfast
I always love breakfast

and who doesn't love breakfast?

So I decided to make an appreciation post about breakfast to celebrate breakfast we all had every morning

So what did you eat breakfast?

Nak kata healthy breakfast
me myself head over heels for nasi lemak or mee goreng

and most days bila duduk rumah je, I eat breakfast twice.
first dalam pukul 8
second round dalam pukul 11

if not
the whole day i tak senang hati sebab lapar

so let say if I had cereal or muesli in my first round
the second round I'd be looking for bread, fruits or kalau ada nasi lemak I sebat je.hehe

my favourite breakfast cereal so far

I thought Im gonna hate this
but in the end i even could eat this for dinner sebab sedapp

For Muesli this is one of top favourite sampai tak makan dgn susu pun takpe
sedap gila

for milk
i don't mind
low fat ke full cream ke
sebab i buy milk ikut harga
mana ada promosi tu yang I beli
I is warga miskin bandar gais

and my way of eating cereal. susu tak lebih dari cereal
cereal taknak tenggelam dgn susu
paras susu mestilah cetek dan cukup rasa je

there is actually a research found that a big breakfast is good for woman
so basically girls eating a lot of food for breakfast is actually helps them mentally and physically.

tapi nak big breakfast pun make sure yang healthy laa
karang gemuk menangis la kau di penjuru katil

so don't forget to breakfast okayy
love you to the bits

Make Up Purpose? Men or What?

Saturday, August 20, 2016

eyyo darlingston, Assalamualaikum

I just feel like writing today
hew hew

Kenapa perempuan make up?
untuk ngorat lelaki ke??
mesti ada laki yang tanya this kind of question and some girls who won't get it the power of makeup

for me
for me laa kan
i don't know about you guys

Hell No I would makeup For Men!!!
for me woman wore makeup for their own motivation.
we girls feel more confident wearing makeup..
right girls??

we feel like we are ready to kick off our day and going anywhere without feeling like a goose.

but I is against pale white skin because..I am alive..I don't have too look like ghost to be pretty.

you know right that "whitening era" where beautiful are measured by skin colour.

I still against that

Wearing makeup for woman
it help us too feel beautiful
when we feel beautiful, we are confident

it is not like competing with other girls.
not that way
but too spread this positivity through makeup and help othet girls too feel beautiful too

you don't believe me guys?

try to text your partner "goodmorning beautiful"
it will lighten up their day and she will be in good mood the whole day.
That is how it affect woman's everyday life.

so don't judge woman by makeup
the power of makeup is so beyond that what you see
and the word beautiful it self holds a lot of emotional effect on woman.

so guys
just let your girls get their hand on makeup.even better..give them makeup

because this secret superpower makeup brought is more than what you see.

only cheap girls wear makeup for men.
till then

Goodnight Dearies
11:46 pm
20th August 2016

Sensitive Skin and How to Tackle it.

Thursday, June 09, 2016


today I will be talking about my skin.
my pathetic skin..pathetic sensitive skin.
who ever knows me..they know how red my skin would be bila kena cahaya matahari, lepas cuci muka, bila kena habuk and bila panas.

teruk sangat..

jerawat sebulan dua bijik tu paling minimum..tu pun saiz gadang.

so I am not nak kata putih kemerah- merahan tu bullshit.
it just I get older, I keep on changing my facial routine..trying products I never use before, so my skin layer getting fed up and decided to get thinner. thus, sensitive reddish skin.

espicially lepas mandi..kulit muka rasa how do I take care of it.

right choice of facial wash tetap sama..because this is the only brand that i use which soothes my skin most.

mahal sikit..but this thing is so nice to my skin. kurang pedih berbanding brand safi or garnier or loreal. banyak kan I dah try.

and then..bila dah merah tu..mcm mana nak sooth kan kulit balik?
well lepas mandi..wajib sgt pakai moisturiser. nak cantik jgn malas kata eina azman.
so usually I would choose moisturizer which contains aloe vera. any brand as long as it have aloe vera

this is top 2 of my choice

both memang bagus..kulit kurang pedih..and aloe vera really helps burn and sensitive skin.. 

but each ada pros and cons
for himalaya herbal
pros dia..wangi..really light on skin and you can use it every part of your body. 
quite pricey..baru ni harga dia naik from rm15 to rm17 and lambat absorb

for safi moisturizer
murah..cepat meresap dalam kulit and takyah pakai banyak..sikit pun dah rasa covered enough
krim pekat and action dia lambat. tak terus soothing mcm himalaya punya brand.

but I can do both..I don't mind really.

both facial wash and essential. seriously essential

I recently bought avene thermal spring water spray. 
and bila tgh panas rasa pedih ke..waktu bergomol main habuk kulit pedih ke
i just spray this shit on to my face and it works wonder.

lega rasa

this is full size.
but i got mine in travel size and cost for fm12 at guardian
siapa yang ada baca post sebelum ni on night skincare routine. maybe dah familiar dgn barang2 kat atas tu. 
so malas nak tangkap gamba. benda sama je dgn sebelum ni.

other tips on sensitive skin is
kurangkan make up
let your skin breathe.
pakai concealer utk tutup merah2 tu dah..jgn nak pakai foundation bronzer highlighter semua. nak cuci nanti jenuh..perit pulak tu kulit. hm tak usah la kita.

minum air banyak2.
so kulit kita pun tak kering and mengelupas. kalau mengelupas tu..lagi perit lah cerita dia.

guna mask dari bahan organik
contohnya tomato,oat,timun, extrak aloe vera ( real).

elakkan skrub
skrub ni kikis sel kulit mati. mmg bagus. tapi kalau epidermis kulit dah nipis,  dah tak bagus la cerita dia.

elakkan penggunaan alcohol di kulit. alcohol free product
kalau dah ada alcohol dlm skincare. hmm terbako ler kulit kita kome. pedih teramat.

mata dah berat. 
happy reading girls.
i hope you find this useful
ciao ❤

Laptop Rosak

Sunday, May 29, 2016


kalau keyboard rosak takleh nak type acano??
nak kena beli baru ke?

so i leave a mark at your chatbox like the dopest message evahh

'singgah jap'
'singgah sini '
'anis singgah jap'

when I planned to look cooler with

'passed by..'
'walked here'


keyboard kat laptop decided not to let me type few letters like 'E', 'K', 'M' 'W'.

ni pun guna fon

imagine password laptop letak nasilemakkopio
tetibe takboleh log on

ingat laptop rosak
rupanya keyboard

nasib baik ada handphone and boleh setting password balik dekat

dapat i tengok movie..

well..when I have time

I type laa lagi eh


Thursday, May 26, 2016

pada malam yang agak gumbira
lagi agak bahagia
sbb dah jumpa access card
or else i need to pay rm 50
weeee. alhamdulillah

kalau dulu..I am a student
today..I am an Interns
sloppy interns..

that is not my main point
my point here
talking about gateway with ma fellow friends
going from bukit merah to cameron to rumah kak nora.
what a lovely family she have.

so..we all gerak pukul 8 lebih..after tunggu sorang2 sampai kat stesyen sungai buluh.
naik kereta afiq.

lupa nak cerita..kitorang pegi berlima

from right. Afiq, Anis ( ai la tu ),Nora,Oboy,Dhira.
afiq agree to bring his car..and drive.
cadang suruh ganti2 dgn oboy..but oboy asik tidur je laaaaaaa
sabar k afiq.

so..kitorang gerak ikut jalan lama..sampai kat rawang benti breakfast.
eh tu wajib

nampak kedai nasi lemak kukus panas kat tepi jalan. " JOM BENTIII!!"
mcm ni la travel dgn kanak2.
then kitorang straight pegi ke tesco taiping beli barang nak masak utk dinner and breakfast pastu bergerak ke bukit merah.

okay kisahnya..
gps fon ai tunjuk jalan yang salah.
so late one hour to the destination
salah ai 😂

sampai bukit merah..pergi homestay dulu
letak barang..then gerak terus ke bukit merah laketown resort.
main air sampai lebam.

main apa yang boleh dulu. hekhek
pergi mini zoo dia.
thr rabbits there really cute. gewam...
the little monkey also so friendly. why you guys so adorable.
and then..kitorang main seriosly main air.
berendam sana sini.
mandi air kencing budak 😂
but guys..remember to bring big bottle of water kay. air kat sana rm 4.50 satu botol besar.
haus punya pasal..sebat je laaaa.

muka masing masing lepas main air
abaikan muka i yang suram tu
tak bermekap..sbb sun burn dahsyat
and i takut even nak sapu bedak
sbb pedih
plus with these guys..
i can go plain as fak because they don't give a fak.

then kitorang balik ke homestay
tp otw jumpa gerai burger.
murah sungguh burger beliau..and sgt berbaloi
beli burger dulu before nak masak dinner

and then I cook dins dins
which is maggi kari telur.
banyak lebih
lima paket masak weyhh

then we go crazy..
duduk dalam bilik..sbb malas nak keluar tgok tv..cuz the guys are there
nak keluar pakai tudung
plus panas doe
so duduk dalam bilik bukak air cond
and do girl's talk

ada kisah
kitorang nak gosok tudung.
sbb oboy afiq keluar
sekali tudung nora terkorban.sbb iron panas sangat
afiq balik
dia tolong nora.
pastu ada resepi gosok iron pada garam utk tanggalkan sisa tudung yg melekat dekat iron.
pun jadi big disaster.

but afiq and nora spend the night to take everything's off
and it works
and we could gosok our tudung again.
thankyou nora and afiq

keesokan hari tggu another post ok.
love you

Tomato Sugar Scrub ❤

Friday, April 15, 2016

hai yuols yang tercinta
aihh busy memanjang sampai lupa blog
sorry kay darling

pernah dengar kan skrub dari tomato + gula tu kann

lemme tell you
it's work

one day on not so happy day where my hormones are killing me
i got two supersized zits yang mcm gunung berapi bedenyut denyut sakitnya
satu kat dahi..satu kat dagu *gaduh kot masa ni

so Im kinda dilemma and stressed about it
dilemma taktahu is it safe to wear makeup takut dia makin besar
tapi kalau tak pakai mcm seksi sangat aih jerawat aku ni

so..i put concealer on top of it

one night rasa pedih sgt jerawat2 yang mcm taik kerbau ni
so i go to the kitchen
i found tomato
teringat mereka kecoh tentang skrub gula tomato
so i cut one slice of tomato
tabur gula kat atas
masuk bilik air
sental muka 😂

sental kay

agak2 dah lunyai tomato tu
i let the tomato juice with sugar tu sit on my face like 10 all the good stuff get into my skin.

pastu cuci guna facial wash feberet ai
neutrogena of course

pastu cek muka kat jermin
kecut doh jerawat aku

terserlah kekecutan melampau
so after this girls

takyah sibuk nak picit jerawat
pergi dapur cek fridge tengok ada tomato tak
kalau ada..lakukan seperti saya

pasti takkan menyesal

Aglio Olio Recipe ❤

Friday, March 04, 2016

anda berasa malas?
anda lapar?
saya ada penyelasaian

nak share resepi aglio olio yang malas lagi enak

so all you need is

pasta ( whatever kind you have)
chilli ( cili api pun boleh)

tu je :)

1. rebus pasta. sampai lembut or al dente ❤
2. cincang garlic sehalus mungkin
3. pasta kalau dah lembut. strain
4. dalam pan..cairkan butter yang agak banyak lepastu masukkan bawang putih
sbb ni oil mmg kena berminyak
5. pastu masukkan cili api. tumis sikit
6. masukkan pasta..kacau rata. masukkan oregano dalam satu sudu kecik. kacau sampai rata
7. siap!!

nama pun malas
so tema baju tidur la ceritanya

yang putih putih tu parmesan..kalau ada lagi sedap..
kalau takde pun okay ❤❤ 

enjoy yokeyy ladies 🌹❤

Hipster Poster by Anis

Saturday, February 27, 2016

sepert tajuk yang poyos
I make some posters to feed your eyes .
been busy with finals and all
I will try my best to fit my schedule to write more good things for you guys
I pomish
mwah xx

GUARDIAN makeup haul ❤

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Assalamualaikun Darlings ❤

well i have been to guardian few times
and everytime i went there
i make sure i got my hand on makeup.

well it is not really a haul seriously
i just bought 6 makeup item
the rest is skincare..umbrella..chocolate (seriously anis -_-)
maybe i will touch on skincare much later
but let me share my reviews on few products which i get from guardian
well you know
guardian have sales right now
and the price is affordable than before

these are the new babies ❤❤
1. mat magique BB essence foundation
2.Sun primer
3.Defining Blush blusher
4.eyeliner Pen
5.Color Sensational lipstick
6.Moisture Rich lipstick T.T

this is water foundation that similar to smashbox BB water and shu eumura's water foundation
so you have to shake the bottle before using it. so my advice is to wear primer before applying this foundation and preferably use blending sponge
but you dont need to wet the sponge..because this is water foundation.
what i like about the foundation is is not heavy and senang nak cuci banding dgn foundation yang thick consistency
kalau tak pakai primer..bila berpeluh tuu.. masha allah
serupa x pakai foundation jadinya T.T
so pakai primer kayy.
i got mine in ROSE VANILLA SHADE

i just bought this just now. so i don't now how will it be on my skin
but from what i test on my hand.. it is super light and it does not have that smooth kinda feel like other primer.
and it have SPF 30
that's the main reason why i need to have this

i got mine in shade THINK PINK
this blusher are not so pigmented which i love about it because i dont have a light hand to apply blusher especially
so.. i love this blusher ❤
and i am considering to buy 2 more shades of this catrice blusher line

i have to admit that i am super regretting buying this eyeliner.
it have felt tip, and the color didn't come out well
dia sangat tak pekat..
and hujung tip dia tu macam dakwat tak sampai
you have to press hard on your hand only the ink will come out well
macam sakit hati beli eyeliner niii

i have told you guys before kan
this is my current go-to lipstick in shde summer sunset
it have warm mauve shade.
but i don't wear this all week long..i need to wear appropriate lip color which match my hijab or else i would look like an evil nanny.
well it cost for RM 22.90 in guardian and more expensive in watson.

this is also a nutty shade lip color vut it is really oily when you apply it.
but that greasiness disappear as time goes by.
and this sold for RM17 IF Im NOT MISTAKEN

yang atas tu silkygirl in sensual..bawah tu summer sunset.

well for cathydoll sun primer. i will try it in a week and i will come back to share with you guys how good the primer is.

untill then


Baked Macaroni Recipe

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Assalamualaikum duniaaaaa
*semangat ajl hikhik

okayy..kita nak share baked macaroni  version anis zuhayra yg rasa cheesy but not that cheesy

kira sehat laa baked macaroni kita nii
but you can always make it fattening by adding more cheese like cheddar or mozzarella

but here i only use cheese sauce and parmegiano regiano atau parmesan

 1 bawang besar potong dadu
3 @ 4 bawang putih cincang
sikit cauliflower or brocoli
1 carrot kecik
3 cendawan shiitake
2 hotdog
3 sudu kecik tomato paste
tomato sauce
chilli sauce
1 sudu kecik pizza mix spice or kalau takde guna oregano + rosemary
cheese sauce segera
parmesan cheese
1 1/2 cawan macaroni

semua potong dadu kecuali mushroom

first rebus macaroni guna air mendidih kayy

2) tumis bawang sampai naik bau
3) masukkan semua sayur dgn bawang putih dgn hotdog
4) agak sayur tu semua dah masak..masukkan tomato paste dgn air sikit ( anis guna air rebus macaroni tu je td) sampai tomato paste tu tak berketul kayy
5) masukkan tomato sauce..chilli sauce..gula..garam..dgn pizza mix spice
6) bila semua dah sebati..masukkan macaroni yg dah masak..and kacau sampai rata
ok nak baked dah ni

nampak tak cheese sauce segera tuu
nak buat dr scratch guna susu + butter+ tepung+ cheese

tp leceh
so guna segera..just tambah air panas and kacau guna GARPU supaya x berketul

1) letak macaroni td dlm loyang or remekin or anything yg boleh masuk oven dgn saiz yg sesuai
2) tuang cheese sauce atas macaroni
3) kemudian tabur parmesan cheese
( takpun boleh guna cheddar cheese yg keping keping tuu or mozzarella or semua sekali )

ok takde laa tada sangat

kemudian bakar for 10 minit in 150c . guna api atas je ok

or sampai cheese atas tu keperang perangan

nampak crumbly still boleh tarik2 taw


to those yang tak jumpa kat mana nak cari cheese sauce segera..boleh buat manually. cuma masa tu anis lapar and nak jimat masa..tu beli paket segera je..senang :)

cheese sauce recipe

1 cup of milk
salt and pepper
4 sudu besar all purpose flour (tepung biasa tuu)
cheese (preferred American cheddar cheese)

campurkan suku cawan susu dengan 4 sudu tepung dalam saucepan..kacau guna whiskers yang jaring jaring bentuk belon tu and then kemudian panaskan atas api kecik pastu tambah susu yag selebihnya. bila dah mendidih baru letak cheese kacai sampai sos likat. tambah garam dan pepper secukup rasa je k. utk cheese terpulang kat korang nak cheesy macam mne. paling minimum guna 5 keping cheese or setengah cawan cheddar cheese yang dah diparut. nak lebih pun takde masalah okay?

beauty tricks ❤ damp beauty blender

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Assalamualaikum beautiful people
how did you really make your beauty blender damp

well i found an interesting way to do it
i use little water spray like this

so tak payah susah hati pergi bilik air semata mata nak basahkan sponge
sembur je kat sponge tu
anis tak guna air paip
guna air masak or mineral
sebab rasa lagi hygienic dr guna air paip
lagi kita nak guna utk make up kann


they are sisters ❤

for those yang x tahu kenapa nak guna beauty blender lembab
one of the reaaon is to make foundation or concealer more natural and avoid cakey face

thats all for today
*saja letak gambar mintak penampo

super random things

Sunday, January 17, 2016

hey there lovely pipol

its my first time writing a post using a phone
so its kinda weird but..convenient

hek hek

nothing much actually
i just wanted to share my concern of my looks
i got deceived numerous time by my look
orang kata muka macam budak budak

so when i told them yang i am not in school anymore but.. i am on my last year of degree
some people even get shock knowing my real ages.

somehow im gonna look old too..i know
but when i am gonna make a big decision for myself like getting married ( for example)
people gonna start mumbering " ei muda lagi dah nak kahwin " -_-
letih laa kita macam ni

people who are same age with me are already pregnant
those who are younger already being called as mommy

why can't i have that kind of things tooo

dont include guys who thought of me like a sister and treat me like a kid
when i share my thoughts or review on things
they will be like "you are young..what do you know?"

and i really hate this statement
" kau muda .jauh lagi perjalanan kau"

being young doesn't mean you are limited in doing things
don't ever strained people from trying new things just because they are YOUNG
i love my young kid kinda look
but i hate people who deceived me from doing a lot of things

i am saying this..because i have my own voice
and i should speak it out
because i am so tired of being a kid when i am not

*( some scary notes..i am alone at home and i keep hearing doors open and close. fine in this part i am a 6 years old kid)

Sotong Masak Lemak Padang Recipe

Sunday, January 03, 2016


asyik citer pasal makeup jehhh
apa kata kita berbincang hal ehwal makanan
nak kata masak tu hobi tak jugak
memasak tu actually basic skill yang kita perempuan kenalah tahu serba sedikit
betul kan?

ada satu hari laa kann
tekak Anis terasa nak makan sotong
tapi nak makan sotong kuah santan
di gugel gugel akhirnya jumpa recipe ni
maka Anis Zuhayra pun bertungkus lumus try this recipe
yang penting..rasa dia cun
pedas pedas lemak giteww

So let's get started

sotong ( anis guna 8 ekor sotong beso beso..depends nak masak as a whole or nak potong 3)
3 biji bawang besar
2 biji tomato (belah 4)
2 batang serai ( 1 pun boleh no problem)
2 atau 3 biji kentang ( depends kat korang nak potong besar mana)
1 kotak kecik santan

Bahan Kisar
2 biji bawang besar (belah 4 or 6..ikut korang)
4 ulas bawang putih
2 inci kunyit hidup
2 inci halia
5 tangkai cili merah ( yang ni pun depend nak pedas mana)

1. panaskan minyak..tumis bahan kisar sampai naik minyak/pecah minyak
2. masukkan bawang besar, serai, kentang, tomato, sotong, santan dan air(depends nak pekat mana kalau nak cair..letak lebih air..kalau nak pekat..letak sikit pun memadai sbb sotong pun keluarkan air kayy)
3. kacau selalu supaya santan tak pecah minyak..kalau tak berketul santan tu karang
4. letak garam and gula secukup rasa
5. agak agak sotong dah masak..boleh laa hidang makan dengan nasi sambal belacan..perghh

this is super random tips yang anis belajar dari mama
kalau nak sotong tu tak keluarkan banyak air waktu masak..rebus dulu sotongnya sampai lembut
lepastuu masak mcm biasa.

and kalau korang yang macam anis tak boleh hidup tanpa cili api
boleh laa masukkan cili api 4 ke 5 batang
barulaa umphhh

Rupa dia macam kari

GRWM ♥ Class Daily Routine

Friday, January 01, 2016

Assalamualaikum Sayang

seeing good response of my recent post on night facial routine
it's ticking me to share what I usually wore before going to class
what kind of face look do I prefer
usually I'm trying to keep it light
make it look appropriate for class
because we are not going to an model audition ladies
we are humbly going to class to learn and filled our brain with some good inputs

btw you may have bad responses on this
and some of you may find this as an inspiration

well it depends on you guys how you prefer yourself to be
it is amazing how a simple powder can change your whole attitude.

shall we get started ♥

 as I say before prepping your skin before wearing makeup is important
but I don't prefer heavy makeup look for going to class
but a little bit this and that will make you feel confidence
now now
when I say makeup
we don't do it for others really
but it is for ourselves to make us feel confident and pretty all day long

first of course cleanse your face thoroughly ok baby
you guys have your own difference preference on your facial wash
so no pressure here
well for me
I use Neutrogena facial cleanser

and then make sure to moisturize
make it a daily regime
wash, moisturize,wash,moisturize

why eh kak need to moisturize?
don't you feel your face crackly dry after washing your face.

Primer is a must
 I use baby skin by Maybelline here
your foundation, concealer, powder will stay in place 

well it is quite far to walk from putra ktm to my campus
so I prefer something that contain spf no matter what.

Next is CC Cream
I am a Maybelline junkie
yeah I think so>.<

what does CC cream for?
Care and Correct your skin tone
and it's contain SPF37

well this one it depends on you guys whether you want it or you think your eyes swell like a panda
I am a student
I sleep at 1 am sometimes
so I actually have panda eyes

so to cover it I prefer concealer
I currently use Pure Concealer Mineral by Maybelline
from what I observe and my trials
you need damp blending sponge to apply this concealer

and then moving on to powder to set this baby
we students just admit we can't afford Laura Mercier setting translucent powder or Ben Nye or Anastasia Beverly Hills Contour Palette
 so actually we can use Johnson baby powder
Johnson baby powder also will work fine on your me
it work just the same
it is also have fine grain of powder which allow to set your concealer without looking weird
because it's for baby
we are baby

ok ok
for compact powder I usually use Maybelline (again)

 don't ask my shade
 I have every each of the shade.
I am a crazy woman
yeah.. I am so fussy

Lipbalm to make your lips nice and dewy not cracky and bloody
babylips ofcourse
this one in cherry kiss
that is essential

well when I suddenly tersiap awal ke
terajin ke
tersengaja nak siap awal ke

I decided to pull of some Mascara
because girl
I need those lashes to kill a man ♥
I heard it somewhere else
don't judge me

this mascara usually do the trick
because this one is waterproof ( incase of raining or sweat..we never know)
and this is quite easier to remove than my other mascara
I have one that make my lashes fall off and I is sad

well what I like about this mascara is because of their bristle
it is so fine and make your lashes hair separate nicely
I give 8/10 point for this mascara

or maybe some eyeliner would do the trick
I prefer brown eyeliner so it does not look heavy
and not gel eyeliner or liquid eyeliner
sebab I wear contact lense and sometimes kita tergsosok mata sebab duduk dlm aircond lama sangat
kering contact lense
so if I ever smudge my eyeliner will still look like eyeshadow >.<

or lipstick
when it comes to lipstick
I love natural warm shades (for now laa kann)
my current go-to lipstick is from Maybelline Color Sensational lines
I freakin love this color ♥♥♥

most days
I would wear simple tee's with jean
or flannel..boyfriend shirt with tee's
I rarely would wear blouses
sometimes I would wear skirts
but on Friday
I love to wear something more decent
a jubah for example
a long blouse with skirts
baju kurung of course.

sneakers or sandals or flats.
that's it
and I'm ready to go

My advice
avoid wearing slipper or flip flop or selipar jamban
the lecturers never like student wearing shabby shabby to class
they expect you to be professional and neat

well that's it girls
if you have any question
do not hesitate to ask
if you have any recommendations or request
please comment down below
I will try keep updated with recipes and beauty tricks
good day ladies ♥

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