Sensitive Skin and How to Tackle it.

Thursday, June 09, 2016


today I will be talking about my skin.
my pathetic skin..pathetic sensitive skin.
who ever knows me..they know how red my skin would be bila kena cahaya matahari, lepas cuci muka, bila kena habuk and bila panas.

teruk sangat..

jerawat sebulan dua bijik tu paling minimum..tu pun saiz gadang.

so I am not nak kata putih kemerah- merahan tu bullshit.
it just I get older, I keep on changing my facial routine..trying products I never use before, so my skin layer getting fed up and decided to get thinner. thus, sensitive reddish skin.

espicially lepas mandi..kulit muka rasa how do I take care of it.

right choice of facial wash tetap sama..because this is the only brand that i use which soothes my skin most.

mahal sikit..but this thing is so nice to my skin. kurang pedih berbanding brand safi or garnier or loreal. banyak kan I dah try.

and then..bila dah merah tu..mcm mana nak sooth kan kulit balik?
well lepas mandi..wajib sgt pakai moisturiser. nak cantik jgn malas kata eina azman.
so usually I would choose moisturizer which contains aloe vera. any brand as long as it have aloe vera

this is top 2 of my choice

both memang bagus..kulit kurang pedih..and aloe vera really helps burn and sensitive skin.. 

but each ada pros and cons
for himalaya herbal
pros dia..wangi..really light on skin and you can use it every part of your body. 
quite pricey..baru ni harga dia naik from rm15 to rm17 and lambat absorb

for safi moisturizer
murah..cepat meresap dalam kulit and takyah pakai banyak..sikit pun dah rasa covered enough
krim pekat and action dia lambat. tak terus soothing mcm himalaya punya brand.

but I can do both..I don't mind really.

both facial wash and essential. seriously essential

I recently bought avene thermal spring water spray. 
and bila tgh panas rasa pedih ke..waktu bergomol main habuk kulit pedih ke
i just spray this shit on to my face and it works wonder.

lega rasa

this is full size.
but i got mine in travel size and cost for fm12 at guardian
siapa yang ada baca post sebelum ni on night skincare routine. maybe dah familiar dgn barang2 kat atas tu. 
so malas nak tangkap gamba. benda sama je dgn sebelum ni.

other tips on sensitive skin is
kurangkan make up
let your skin breathe.
pakai concealer utk tutup merah2 tu dah..jgn nak pakai foundation bronzer highlighter semua. nak cuci nanti jenuh..perit pulak tu kulit. hm tak usah la kita.

minum air banyak2.
so kulit kita pun tak kering and mengelupas. kalau mengelupas tu..lagi perit lah cerita dia.

guna mask dari bahan organik
contohnya tomato,oat,timun, extrak aloe vera ( real).

elakkan skrub
skrub ni kikis sel kulit mati. mmg bagus. tapi kalau epidermis kulit dah nipis,  dah tak bagus la cerita dia.

elakkan penggunaan alcohol di kulit. alcohol free product
kalau dah ada alcohol dlm skincare. hmm terbako ler kulit kita kome. pedih teramat.

mata dah berat. 
happy reading girls.
i hope you find this useful
ciao ❤

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