TOMYAM recipe.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

yup yup..tomyam je ponn..kacang kott

tapi ini bukak tomyam sebarang tomyam
sebab ini


anda memerlukan:



1 Tomato
1 bawang besar
2 ulas bawang putih
1 cili merah
5 cili kering ( rendam dlm air panas bg lembut )
2 cm halia


2 bawang besar
2 ulas bawang putih


2 batang serai ( dititik )
3 cili api ( nk lebih pon tak kisah )
3 helai daun limau
2 cawan air


cendawan ( shiitake, oyster, enoki or anything )
sweet peas


seafood ( udang sotong )


2 sudu besar pes tomyam
secubit belacan
2 sudu kecil gula 
2 sudu kecil asam jawa ( boleh ganti dgn 1 biji limau)
bahan perasa ( secukup rasa, pasti sedap or ajinomoto)
garam secukup rasa


1. tumis bahan cincang (CHOP) sampai naik bau
2. masukkan (PROTEIN) kacau sampai ayam bertukar warna
3. masukkan bahan (BLEND) dgn pes tomyam, serai dan cili api. biarkan mendidih
4. masukkan 2 cawan air dan biarkan mendidih
5. dah mendidih? masukkan sayur sayuran ( VEGE) sekalian kecuali tomato sbb tomato lembut nnti hancur :)
6. bila carrot dah lembut, baru masukkan tomato dan daun limau
7. kalo rasa pekat sgt nak tmbah sikit air lagi pon boleh
8. masukkan garam secukup rasa, gula,bahan perasa, asam jawa dan belacan.
9. biarkan mendidih
10. tutup api...makan


sakit please

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

what i ever do to you

what need you to kill me

I never knew being faithful is a sin

stop please

it hurts to much

I couldn't breathe

please stop killing me

stop stabbing me from behind

I cant live like anymore


Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Once Upon A Time

there is a girl who love a man truely who claim he loves the girl infinitely. the man showered the girl  with sweetest promises and hopes. the girl drowned in his honeyed words each day. they spend each  minutes wisely and hardly seperated.

one day

the man found guilty of killing a girl heart. he left the girl with lies and false hope. the man admitted that he fall in love with a bitch from nowhere.

the girl spends her time with tears . the river of tears flows infinitely and repeatedly ask the creator to stop the storm and fill her days with sunshine again.

but each day was a nightmare to her. she unable to stand on her own feet. the angels trying their best to stop the storm but it getting stronger and stronger.

while the man is still drowning with the cast of the bitch.

the girl stood up to walk on her own way. but each step is not as easy as she thoughts. she falls and stumbles and bleed again by the man's hope and promises.

right she is writing. she still trying her best to step on the pebbles of life.

hoping the sunshine will shine again tomorrow


Sunday, March 01, 2015

hi there

promise you all with new recipes..halyu review and product review
got finals to face tomorrow

debor debor i ni ntah buleh jawab ke dak

I'll feed chu all with new storii storii as soon as i start my break okayy

have fun darlings

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